Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Can You Tell Be If There Is a Link Between Bruising Easily and Acupuncture?

Hello Again:

Acupuncture treatments can provide some amazing results for some people, and if you have recently had a treatment session, you might be very enthusiastic about the positive results.  One unwelcome side effect from your treatment, though, could be the fact that the treatment session results in localized bruising.  There are a number of  people who are disappointed about this bruising after they have had their their treatment from their acupuncturist, and when you consider the good the treatment is doing to your body, this bruising might simply be overlooked or be the source of alarm.  Research the bruising causes which may actually be a part of the acupuncture treatments.

To begin with, acupuncture is a variety of a traditional Chinese medical treatment that has been growing in favor in the West over the past few years.  Acupuncture relies on the theory that there are lines of energy that flow all throughout the body, and when these energy lines are broken, the result can be any number of ills, including depression, or gastrointestinal problems or even conditions of high cholesterol levels and heart disease.   Very thin needles are inserted into the body at various intersecting energy lines during the treatment sessions.  Although the treatments are generally not painful, there can be a very unique tingling sensation that is quite unusual for someone who has never had acupuncture treatments before.

Acupuncture treatment has become so main stream that there several insurance carriers that will now cover the treatments, and as a result more people are trying acupuncture and finding that it can provide some amazing benefits for them.  If you are someone who has tried it for the first time, you may discover that you were left with a collection of minor bruises at the sites where the needles were inserted.  The bruises are typically not painful, so some people are quite surprised to discover several dark bruises on their body when they’ve undressed to take a shower.

The bruises do occur due to the process of acupuncture; as your acupuncturist inserts each needle; your skin is being broken.  Think about the bruises you get when you are getting shots; there are small blood vessels being broken and the result can very easily become a bruise.  These bruises are caused by trauma to the skin, but they should not last long, and they are not an indication of something being wrong with your treatment.

You certainly don’t want any bruising from acupuncture to keep you from wearing your favorite swimsuit to the beach.  Acupuncture, unfortunately, provides no treatment that is effective in eliminating easy bruising.  This is where participating in the Bruises Be Banned daily, treatment program can be beneficial for you.  As you know,  Bruises Be Banned is a uniquely formulated, all natural supplement product that can help you overcome bruising easily and help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

Remember, the only thing that you have to lose by not participating in the Bruises Be Banned program is your social life due to your ugly bruises.

Talk again soon,


Don’t Try This at Home!

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