Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Bruises Be Banned » Blog Archive » Isn’t Easy Bruising One Indicator for Diabetes?

Hello Again:

This post will mark the first of several conversations that we’re going to have about what disorders or diseases easy bruising may indicate.  These talks are not meant to frighten you, but rather to give you information that you can use.  While the vast majority of us are subject to bruising easily simply because of changes in our body’s systems brought about by age, I think it’s best that we are able to discuss intelligently other bruising causes with our own doctor.

It is a medical fact that easy bruising is prevalent in folks that have diabetes; and, in fact, bruising easily is one symptom doctors use in assessing whether or not someone has diabetes.  One of the first questions a medical professional will ask you is whether there is any history of diabetes in your family, because there is a strong genetic link involved in this disease.  If one of your parents or grandparents suffered from diabetes, you will have an enhanced likelihood of contracting the disease.

Diabetes is generally defined as an incidence of disordered metabolism whereby you have an abnormally high blood sugar level.  This high blood sugar level is typically caused by defects in your secretion of insulin or the way insulin acts in your body.  One type of bruising associated with diabetes is a condition known as acanthosis nigricans (that’s easy for you to say) where the skin discolors, typically black or brown, in the folds and creases of your skin.  This bruising usually takes place around the neck and in the armpits, and it is caused by insulin spilling over within the skin, and is often associated with Type II diabetes.  Bruises for someone who has diabetes will likely take a significantly longer time to heal than for someone who does not have diabetes.  This overly long time frame for healing bruises is caused by the body’s using its resources in combating the disease in areas other than bruising.

If you notice bruising that you think fits into one or both of the conditions mentioned above, and you also have increased thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, greater fatigue level, and blurred vision, then it’s a good time for you to have a chat with your doctor to explore the possibility that you have contracted diabetes.  All of these signs and indications may point to your being diagnosed with diabetes, but they are not necessarily positive indicators, particularly if there is no family history of diabetes.

Once you’ve ruled out your having diabetes, you have every reason to rely on the Bruises Be Banned daily program to help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.  Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the  Bruises Be Banned program is your social life because of your ugly bruises.

Talk again soon,


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