Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Bruises Be Banned » Blog Archive » Why Am I More Subject to Easy Bruising as I Age?

Hello Again:

Last time we talked about keeping a daily journal to record anything that happened to us that effected our body.  I hope that you’ve started that process because I believe it will eventually show tendencies that will help us prevent bruising.  Today  we’ll take a look at the changes in our bodies and bodily systems that have occurred as we grow older, and how those changes can be directly relevant to our bruising easily.

Do you remember when we were younger how we could stay up all night with friends and then start the new day full of restless energy?  Our bodies then literally recovered overnight, with or without sleep; and if we somehow bruised ourselves, the bruise would seem to disappear in a day or so.  The unfortunate truth is that as we get older, we may bruise more easily, and if we do, it takes a lot longer for our bruises to heal and go away.

One of the reasons that we may be subject to easy bruising as we get older is the loss or thinning of the fat layer immediately below the skin (I should be s0 lucky as to lose a fat layer anywhere), and that fat layer used to act as a sort of cushion for the skin.  Similarly our skin, particularly if we’ve had a lot of sun exposure over the years, and our capillary walls get thinner and more fragile.  A bruise is actually evidence of broken capillaries because the blood that seeps from the broken capillary walls pools under the skin and becomes the visible bruise.  Besides sun exposure, the skin can become more subject to easy bruising because of our taking blood thinners like aspirin or corticosteroid drugs.  In some people taking supplements like vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, garlic, and ginseng can be a cause for easy bruising.

Easy bruising can be an indicator of certain diseases or other medical problems ranging from diabetes to some blood related diseases, which diseases are more prevalent in older people.  Your bruising easily should be part of your conversations with your doctor, to eliminate the possibility that the bruising is not informing us of a serious condition.  Your doctor should be informed quickly if you notice more significant or frequent bruising after starting a new medication or supplement.

There may not be a lot of things that we can do to turn back time, but we do have the means to offset some of the damage that age has visited upon us when it comes to trying to prevent bruising.  Subscribing to the unique, all natural Bruises Be Banned daily maintenance program is one, guaranteed method to help us overcome our easy bruising.  Remember that what you have to lose by not taking Bruises Be Banned is just your social life because of your ugly bruises.

Talk again soon,


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