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Bruises Be Banned » Blog Archive » What Can Swimming Do to Help Me Reduce Bruising Easily?

Swimming Can Be A Lot More Fun Than This Lesson!

Hello Again:

If you have been noticing a lot of dark blotches on your arms and legs lately, and if you can barely remember how they got there, you will quickly determine that you need to find a solution to this problem. Lots of us find that we end up bruising more easily as we get older, and if we’re looking around for a solution, we may find that swimming can have a very positive effect on reducing our bruising easily condition. While swimming is not likely going to be the total cure all for our easy bruising, we should find that there are some very real ways that it can be beneficial.

In the first place, swimming and any other sort of cardiac exercise can help our heart stay in optimum condition, and this in turn can help us improve our overall cardiovascular health. Remember that bruising occurs when we have damaged the blood vessels directly beneath our skin, and the blood seeps out, pools beneath the skin, and becomes a visible bruise. When we exercise, we will find that we can improve our vascular health significantly; essentially, we are toughening up our veins and making sure that they do not break as easily.

Also remember that swimming can help remind us to moisturize your skin. Whether we swim in the ocean or in the local pool, many people find that the chemicals or the salt will dry out their skin. To combat this, it is recommended that you use a good moisturizer that will help us take care of our skin’s flexibility more effectively. This, combined with the better exercise that we will be getting from a consistent swimming regimen, is something that can really make our skin become more elastic and more taut (opposite conditions, but both true), allowing us to increase our resistance to bruising easily.

When we are taking swimming classes of any sort, we will also discover that we are encouraging ourselves to drink lots of water.  Being in the water all the time will remind us to drink more of it, and when we want to perform our best, whether it’s doing laps, water aerobics, or even synchronized swimming (you know I’m all about synchronized swimming), we will discover that we seem to be consistently thirsty. We have to take the time to drink the water that we need, and we’ll discover that drinking like this will improve our body’s metabolism, allowing our body to alleviate bruises more quickly and expediently when they do show up.

With all this being said, go find the bathing suit that you love, grab that swim cap, and jump in.  Swimming is great fun, and you’ll soon see that it can help our body defend itself against bruising easily as well. You should also give strong consideration to participating in the unique, daily supplement program from Bruises Be Banned that has been proved to help us overcome our easy bruising and help to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

Keep in mind that the only thing that we have to lose by not participating in the daily Bruises Be Banned program is our social life due to our ugly bruises.

Talk again soon,


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