Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Overcome Your Easy Bruising And Stop Bruising Easily Completely!

Learn All About Our Bruises Be Banned Ingredients Here In Our YouTube Video!

Hello Again:

As people grow older, many notice that a simple bump can turn out to be the cause of a truly spectacular bruise. You could very well have no idea where the bruise came from, and your family and friends are worried and concerned. Many people, particularly women, find that as they age bruising easily becomes a fact of life and can be an ongoing problem. You have to try to ascertain what might be causing the easy bruising or what actual bruising causes you have to deal with.

The first thing that you should try to determine when you’re evaluating easy bruising is what are the bruising causes that create the bruising in the first place. Bruises, which are also called contusions, are usually caused by capillaries, which have thinned walls, are broken but the adjacent skin is intact. Almost any sort of impact can cause a bruise, and with fair skinned people the bruise can be a dramatic display of colors. Although there may be some pain from the impact, bruises typically are seldom harmful, though they can certainly cause embarrassment when you are in a social situation with them showing.

Although you know that bruises usually occur after some form of impact, what makes bruises so colorful? The look of the bruise is determined primarily from the blood that seeps into the adjacent tissues. If you bruise easily, it is probably because you have skin or capillary walls that has thinned as you’ve aged. Either or both of these bruising causes may be the root source for your easy bruising; and, unfortunately, your tendency for easy bruising will likely worsen as you get older.

Aging skin loses elasticity and becomes more fragile and then it fails to provide the protection to the underlying capillaries that it did when the skin was younger. It is the combined weakening of the skin and capillary walls that causes people to bruise easily.

When you decide to take steps that can help you stop bruising easily, you’ll find that there are any number of things that you can do. Perhaps the most important thing for you to think about when you want to stop bruising so spectacularly is to look at eliminating anything that might be weakening your capillary walls.

For instance, having an nutritionally incomplete diet, smoking and drinking too much alcohol can weaken your capillary walls. When you want to change your bad or improper behavior, consider switching over to a diet that does not have excessive fats and, make sure that you get regular exercise and consider taking some specific, helpful natural supplements.

If you are getting older and have realized that simply barking your skin against the cabinet can make you look like you were in a fight, don’t worry too much about it. This is a common effect of aging and one that can be successfully dealt with.

You cannot stop the aging process, but you can follow the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program. This unique addition to your daily life can help you stop bruising easily completely as it has for other folks all over the world.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program is your social life due to your embarrassment caused by your ugly bruises.

Until next time,
Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve recently written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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