Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Follow A Regular Exercise Program To Decrease Your Easy Bruising!

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Hello Again:

What may be the number one contributor to your tendency to bruise easily is the lack of regular exercise. Without regular exercise, your entire body becomes weaker and more subject to easy bruising. Toned skin and muscles are one positive result of regular cardiovascular exercises.

Regular exercise enhances cardiovascular functions and makes your body more able to protect itself against minor injuries. The resulting increased metabolic rate helps give you the power to resist easy bruising because the skin and capillary walls are toughened by regular exercise. Even when you accidentally bump into something hard and cause a bruise, it will heal more quickly because of your commitment to exercise.

Even if your greatest desire is to achieve a wonderful, active body full of energy, a major side effect will be a body that protects itself from many forms of minor injury. Cardiovascular exercises enhance heart and lung functions which in turn helps improve and strengthen capillary walls and the skin to be able to help prevent easy bruising. Healing for any bruising that does occur will be accelerated.

It is important to have a balanced exercise routine. You can achieve your exercise goals with a wide variety of exercise programs, and you should find one that you enjoy doing. You may find several programs you want to follow, and it’s fine to do different routines, but you’ll benefit the most by following one program at a time.

Your metabolism is simply the rate at which your body produces energy and the rate at which your body uses that energy. If you can consistently raise your metabolic rate through exercise, your body will increase it’s ability to resist easy bruising, and improve its capacity to heal injuries, including bruises, much quicker.

Obvious forms of cardiovascular exercises include running, jogging, swimming, cycling or even skipping rope, but other forms of exercise routines can also be done in such a way as to increase your metabolism, and help build up your body’s resistance to minor injuries including bruising.

An active lifestyle brought about by following a consistent exercise program is a great way to maintain a high energy level and good health. Without a regular exercise program, you will tend to feel tired a great deal of the time, and you will be much more prone to bruising easily.

Following a regular, consistent exercise regimen is one good way to strengthen your body to help overcome your tendency to bruise easily. The all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program has been proved by people worldwide to be effective in helping stop bruising easily completely.

Remember that the only thing you have to lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program is your social life due to your embarrassment caused by your ugly bruises.

Until next time,
Jan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology”

P.S.  Please take a look at the book I’ve recently written entitled “Ending the Nightmares of Easy Bruising or The Definitive Desktop Reference on Bruising Causes and Bruise Prevention“.  You can get the first section of the book free by signing up on the website home page.

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