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Bruises Be Banned » Blog Archive » Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Easy Bruising, Reason 1 – Age

If You Dance Like This, Nothing Will Help Your Easy Bruising!

Hello Again:

Today we’ll be starting a new series of posts that take us back to the beginning of problems with easy bruising.  To some of you this information will be old hat, but I don’t think that we ever can have too much exposure to what causes our problem.

When we get to the point that we are looking down and consistently noticing new bruises seemingly every day, we need to understand that we are facing a situation where our body is trying to inform us of some type of physical change.  When this happens, it is up to us to spend enough effort to determine exactly what it is that our body is trying to tell us (my body is always trying to tell me too much).

There can be many reasons that we might find as causes for our new condition of easy bruising, the first and most common reason that we need to evaluate is our aging.  As we get older, we will normally be more inclined to bruise easily.  However, it is not sufficient to simply say that easy bruising is a condition that inevitably happens as we age. Instead, examine all of the possible bruising causes so that we can make sure that we are able to follow a proper plan to reduce or prevent our particular easy bruising condition.

In the first place, have you noticed that your skin has become thinner and has lost some of its elasticity as you age? One result of this, besides skin that wrinkles faster, is that our skin is not doing the job of protecting our blood vessels and body that it once did.  Our skin has become frailer, and with the reduction in the level of elasticity, it has now become more prone to injury.

Remember that bruising is essentially the breaking of small blood vessels beneath unbroken skin.  Chances are good that while routine bumps won’t cause our skin to break, they will penetrate through the limited protection our skin now offers and damage our weakened blood vessels.

Contributing to this is going to be the thin capillary walls that we are dealing with.  When we have thin capillary walls, we will find that they are significantly easier to traumatize.  This is something that can make bruising much more common and also much more dramatic.  If our capillaries are more fragile than they once were, and if our skin is not providing us with the protection that we need, the results can be large, unexpected bruises.

Also remember that our body is not producing the level of collagen that it once did.  Collagen is what gives our skin it’s firmness and it’s ability to “bounce back”; and as we age, our bodies manufacture less of it.  This is why so many anti-aging formulas use collagen to give skin a lift; smoother skin is more youthful looking with less wrinkles, but it is also much more able to protect our body as well.

As we age, easy bruising is definitely is a condition that may become more common in a variety of people.  However, there are definitely some people who will bruise more readily than others, while there are other people that don’t seem to bruise at all.  The differences between different groups of people can be due to some groups simply taking better care of themselves, to having better genetics, or to a wide variety of other reasons.

Each person needs to evaluate why their specific bruises occur.  The better educated you can become in learning the causes for your bruising, the better chance you will have to find a means to overcome your easy bruising problem.

As you should know by now, the only thing we’ll lose by not following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program is our social life because of our ugly bruises.

Talk again soon,


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