Health Tips Trudie Mitchell  

Healing Bruises with Vitamin E, Myth or Reality?

Hi again:

Last time we talked about some of the supposed remedies that are popularly supported to anyone that will listen.  In our conversation we learned that popular support doesn’t always translate into a product that is actually beneficial to us.  Today we’re going to zero in on another popular remedy, that does not always provide the results that we’re looking for.

Vitamin E is one of those vitamins that has become very popular over the last several years for doing wonderful things for the skin and circulatory system.  From what we know about bruising, it would then seem completely natural to believe that  vitamin E would do wonders to help heal bruises.  All I can say is “Not so fast there, Einstein!”  Let’s look at vitamin E’s circulatory system enhancement realistically.  Remember, a bruise is basically the seepage of blood from damaged or broken capillaries.  If vitamin E enhances circulation, then it would, therefore, increase the blood seepage at the point of a bruise, which would, in turn, cause the bruise to be larger.  Maybe vitamin E isn’t such a good bruise treatment after all.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe that vitamin E is really great stuff, but its healing capability for bruising is virtually zero.  External applications of vitamin E to the skin can definitely make the skin more elastic and younger looking, and I guess that there could be some benefit of the skin being more elastic to help bruising occurring in the first place, but I haven’t seen any clinical trials to support that position.  Likewise, if you were trying to lessen the visibility of a scar, vitamin E could be helpful.  Just don’t think that vitamin E is going to do anything to make an existing bruise fade or go away.

My suggestion, as you all know, is to start or continue your regimen of Bruises Be Banned for the best possible results in reducing the bruises you get or prevent bruises from occurring in the first place.

Next time we’ll look at some other old wives’ tales about bruising cures.

Talk again soon,


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